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Home Security Measures

5 Increased Home Security Measures You Should Take...

| 29 JAN 2016

There are various security measures and provisions that should be in place regardless of who lives in your home. There are also certain measures that should and need to be adopted when you live with family members that are vulnerable, even helpless, and this is exemplified in newborn babies. Although your whole family needs to…

Should You Go Wired Or Wireless For Your Home Security System?

| 24 JAN 2016
Wired Or Wireless Home Security Systems?

With the level of crime in Calgary being at an all-time high, it is imperative that all houses have a security system. Home security systems are so powerful that they can deter burglars by as much as 50 per cent. When it comes to home security systems, there are two types: wired and wireless. The…

5 Options To Better Protect Your Store

| 18 JAN 2016
Storefront Security Measures

Theft can have a serious impact on your bottom line. Not only is it money taken directly out of your pocket, it can throw off your inventory management and establish your name and your store as ones that are easy to rip off because there are no measures in place to stop it. Here are…

5 Home Security Upgrades You Should Make In The New Year

| 15 JAN 2016
Home Security Upgrade

The arrival of the new year is always exciting because of the opportunity for change that it presents us with. People change how they eat, try and get rid of bad habits, commit to more proactive lifestyles, and even pick up new hobbies. For some homeowners, home security system might be your first area of…

5 Steps To Complete Burglary Prevention

| 4 JAN 2016
Burglary Prevention Steps

Burglaries are usually very selective acts. Thieves will case a home or a business they think looks vulnerable and easy to get in and out of quickly without being caught. Buildings that look, or even seem well protected are seldom targeted because of the potential legal repercussions if caught. Here are 5 steps you can…

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