Tips To Prevent Your Home Security System From Bei...
Statistics show that homes are 2.9 times less likely to be selected by a potential burglar if a home security system is in place. With the sharp rise in property crime in Calgary in 2015, it is important that homeowners are extremely vigilant with their security measures. In Calgary alone, 9,077 break-and-enters were recorded in…
Tips For Best Night Vision On CCTV Cameras

CCTV cameras or video surveillance are not only extremely valuable for commercial businesses but also for homeowners. That is because they add an additional level of protection to your home or business. These cameras can deter burglars, as well as identify and even catch potential suspects. Since the majority of crimes occur during the night,…
Common Image Problems With CCTV Cameras

CCTV cameras or video surveillance are not only extremely valuable for commercial businesses but also for homeowners. These cameras can deter burglars in a similar way that home security systems do, as well as identify and even catch potential suspects. Like any piece of technological equipment, however, problems can occur—particularly image problems. Here are some…
5 Ways To Secure Your Home Before Winter

Statistically, while the summer months typically have the most burglaries, the winter months are also a very popular time of the year for break and enters because burglars know that many homeowners will be away for the holidays. With that in mind, here are five ways to secure your home before winter. Invest in alarm…