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Residential Security Checklist

Your Residential Security Checklist: Essential Fea...

| 26 APR 2017

Being a homeowner can come with a lot of worries, especially surrounding the safety and security of your family. There are many options for residential security systems, especially as technology advances, making smart home monitoring and home automation more attainable for all. There are many reasons people choose to install residential security systems. They protect…

Why You Should Avoid DIY Home Alarm Systems

| 19 APR 2017
Avoid DIY Home Alarm Systems

There are many reasons you may consider a DIY home alarm system. They are widely available at stores, and are an inexpensive option for those who want to ramp up their home security while saving money. While there are many effective DIY home alarm systems available, they are also difficult to install, and if installed…

How a 24 Hour Alarm Can Prevent Overnight Intruders

| 12 APR 2017
Prevent Overnight Intruders

A home alarm system should protect you, your family and your home from all possible emergencies, from fire to intruders and everything in between. As a homeowner, home invasion is a frightening possibility, especially for those who live with children, the less physically abled, and those who keep valuable possessions in their home. Burglaries or…

3 Amazing Smart Homes From Around The World

| 5 APR 2017

As technology advances, home automation services are now making it possible to keep you and your loved ones safer than ever. An automated home, or a smart home, can provide many options for ease, convenience, and most importantly, safety and security. Smart homes allow you to control housing features such as lighting, temperature, appliances and…

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