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6 Security Tips For Your Condo

| 7 NOV 2016

Condo Security Tips

Those who live in condos are also at an increased security risk, even though it is common for people to see their personal safety as less of a concern. First and foremost, always lock your doors — even when you’re home. Here are some additional security tips to ensure that you and your family stay safe.

  1. Change All The Locks (For New Owners)

    If you have just moved into a condo, change all the locks. An alternative would be to install a deadbolt on each door, making it impossible for someone with an old set of keys to enter your home.

  2. Do Not Put Your Full Name On The Mailbox

    This is important so that potential burglars don’t use this information to their advantage, pretending that they know you and gaining entry into the building. Instead, use your initials or last name.

  3. Increase The Security Of Your Balcony/Sliding Doors

    It is not very difficult for someone to break into your home via the balcony and particularly your condo’s sliding door — especially if you live in a duplex style of condo. Increase the safety of your sliding doors by placing a metal rod or thick piece of rod in the tracks of the sliding door, which will prevent it from being opened.

  4. Report Any Burnt Lights

    Since lights deter criminals, it is important that any burnt lights in the building, whether in the hallway or parking garage, are fixed as soon as possible.

  5. Get To Know Your Neighbours

    Getting to know your neighbours is beneficial for several reasons. First, it does not hurt to have your neighbours in your corner. If you establish a friendly relationship with them, in the event that they notice any suspicious activity around your home, they will be more likely to contact the police. In addition, if you become more acquainted with their schedule (and when they tend to come and go), you will be able to notice any strange activity.

  6. Invest In A 24/7 Monitoring Service

    While a home security system is statistically proven to deter criminal activity (and every home should not be without one), you can increase the safety of your home or condo by investing in a monitoring service. The monitoring centre will monitor your home on a 24/7 basis for any sign of a devastating threat, from a potential burglar to a fire or a flood. They will then contact the appropriate authorities. The peace of mind that this service offers is invaluable.

Consider Calgary Alarms for your choice of monitoring service — we are one of the best security alarm monitoring companies in Canada. Contact us today to learn more.


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